Here is a word on the current administrative configuration and the goals and priorities of ATIA as they stand in April 2015. You can find each person on Facebook if you wish to contact them directly - please be clear and polite in your message!
"List of admins for ATIA
Manuela Wroblewski- Our chief and much loved volunteer, who works the hardest of us all to care for and feed the animals. The animals and all of us would be lost without her.
Angela Tutt and Meher Toorkey will do our best to assist with cat adoptions/coordination. So if you wish to adopt a cat please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our absolute best to get them to you.
Angela Tutt has been to Avsallar 6 times to assist Manuela and Manuela knows she can trust her implicitly to care for the animals as she loves them as her own.
Elke Franklin is happy to help everyone with dog adoptions and also with transport arrangements in Europe. As you all know she and her husband Franklin have helped on innumerable occasions to transport cats to the UK and give them all the most loving B&B facilities en route.
Gabrielle McGuire manages all our USA transports, both dogs and cats very efficiently. She arranged everything superbly to get Ceecee, Haneefa, Roo, Chelsil, Freya, Lucky and Topaze home. This is only the beginning.
Patricia Collins is doing a wonderful job collecting Serpil's salary (Serpil is a lovely lady who cleans the cat room every day of the week and looks after the animals in quarantine at the clinic with much love and devotion!) and sending it to her every month.
We are all helping with fund raising and welcome any group member, especially those who are computer savvy to help us, as new fresh ideas are always welcome.
Jura Hayden and Sheena Johanna, although not admins will help with a news letter
We all welcome ideas, interaction, and above all want to run a efficient group to ease Manuela's life and help her to help the animals.
Our first and foremost goal is to help the animals- to have enough funds to feed them, to SNR them and to get the friendly ones to safety as soon as possible to loving homes where they will always be cherished and can forget their harsh past.
If anybody has any queries or problems, please message one of us privately, as we do not wish to clutter this page with non animal related issues.
We value each and every member.
We also need to ensure that there is no bad language, racial hatred or animosity in this group.
Love and light to all of you and we hope to do our best for Manuela, the animals and all our valued members.
Thank you so much for reading this and to all of you for what you do daily for these animals by sharing, supporting and just being there for them."
Meher Toorkey